
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Breakfast & Registration

9:30 AM - Opening Remarks + 2 min Presentation from Founding Sponsor

9:40 AM -  Jason Lengstorf // IBM

But Testing Sucks!—How IBM is building a testing-and quality-driven culture, despite internal resistance

10:45 AM - Aaron Abramov // Facebook

Establishing testing patterns with software design principles

11:50 AM - Ryan Marsh // Cucumber Ltd.

BDD with cucumber.js

12:15 PM - Lunch

1:15 PM - Gleb Bahmutov & Brian Mann // Cypress

I see your point, but …

2:20 PM - Jessica Jordan // Simplabs

Testing against time in JavaScript applications

2:45 PM - Rotem Mizrachi-Meidan // Wix

Detox: A year in. Building it, Testing with it

3:05 PM - Mary Snow // Codesmith

Testing React Applications

3:25 PM - Break

3:45 PM - Justin Searls // Test Double

Please don’t mock me

4:50 PM - Jesse Palmer // Capital One

Testing Angular Components Fundamentals

5:15 PM - Kent C. Dodds // PayPal

Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration

5:35 PM - Trent Willis // Netflix

Working Well: The Future of JavaScript Testing

5:55 PM  - Closing remarks

7:30 PM - Reception

* Schedule is subject to change